Monday 6 November 2017

willow - more awesome danny stories and nostalgia :)


Danny and Arin thank the fans who sent them this game. Danny really wanted to play this childhood favourite of his again :)

Love the yelling they make the old man do about magic acorns and getting items :) the other bits of dialogue readouts are good too.

I never actually watched the movie Willow... Danny reminisces on the movie as well as the game. He hums the tunes as well :)

Wow those grass and tree wind blowing animations are pretty cool.

This is a pretty tough game! It looks like you keep your exp when you die so that's awesome :) I always appreciate stuff like that.

They make it to the next town and mingle with the residents. and further into adventure. It's a nice Zelda alternative :)

Danny talks about how this game is connnected to his memory of his great grandmother and how he just got a flashback of her in the hospital and stuff when he was playing this as a kid. Wow... very personal and quite a profound thing. Video games man... they're amazing. Amazing, significant and very important. This is a great Game Grumps episode.

Arin talks about the music, how when you hear it over and over that it kind of sticks and... yeah I understand though I've never played this game myself. I'd have a very strong nostalgic feeling for this game I'd say and the music has that strong nostalgic quality :)

That big green snaky guy isn't a boss it turns out! There's more than one of them. Probably many more!

At Danny's last game over he invites us to copy his password and continue his game for him! What a lovely thing! :) he also recommends the movie Willow and mentions how Val Kilmer tweeted that he liked Ninja Sex Party.

This is such a comfy and classic Grump episode I love it :) I always loved Danny's stories!

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