Sunday 19 November 2017

lust for darkness part 1 - eyes wide shut meets horror


Suzy plays this dark adult horror game.

This game is pretty creepy and dark. She sees a figure and the character's heart starts thumping hard. Lots of quiet unsettling hallway walking otherwise :(

The music is kinda like DVD menu music, very unnerving and effective music!

The masks are like something out of Eyes Wide Shut and that weird fetishistic room is very unsettling too.

Then she gets attacked by someone in one of those freaky masks! And that was just the prologue. Yikes! This is not like those rough games Arin and Danny played over Halloween! Not sure if I want to know what was blurred out there.

If it wasn't for Suzy's commentary, I would not be so willing to watch any more footage from this game! Scary!

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