Thursday 30 November 2017

super mario odyssey part 16 - we're putting the band back together


Arin and Danny break some fashion rules.

Danny reckons you can pull off any fashion rule break if you have enough confidence :) they are dressed perfectly as an out of town tourist. You can always spot them!

They talk a bit about SNL, about Celebrity Jeopardy with the Sean Connery and Burt Reynolds impressions. I love those segments :)

Danny's right. They do a lot of gambling-like slot machine stuff in newer Nintendo games :/

On chatting with Mayor Pauline, they talk about Mario's past and how he wasn't always Mario and how he wasn't always a hero.

Love that gag on how stranger things have happened, like watching Stranger Things :)

Arin's never seen The Neverending Story so Danny shares a synopsis. I never watched it either... Danny lists out some other movies of that era that Arin has or hasn't seen. I'm kinda the same story, being a baby when those movies came out.

They're in that rainy area with the tanks. It's not the most pleasant area but you spend ages there looking under every nook and cranny for stuff. Arin keeps falling off the exact same platform while looking for that last moon piece.

Danny says something very weird about "fumigating his junk". Huh...

Arin bails on the area and feels super bad about it. Not to worry Arin! That area does have a dark and hopeless feeling about it...

They make up for it by doing a cheerful note collecting challenge at the end :) yay!

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