Sunday 5 November 2017

gold rush the game - weird walk around a deserted town


Suzy plays a game based on a TV show.

She says she doesn't have TV anymore. I guess she's talking about a cable subscription or something. A lot of people don't anymore...

She starts up and explores a town. She finds it weird how deserted it is and looks for people to talk to. She talks about how depressing it feels with the music playing and everything and how it feels like she's the last person on Earth! She's right too!

Those pictures of the real people on the wall are pretty funny at least, especially that missing person poster :)

I really like this episode! She's walking around all confused in this world that doesn't make sense, looking for someone to talk to or something. The houses are nice and big at least.

She finally sees some cows in the distance and says hello to them :)

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