Tuesday 21 November 2017

stardew valley part 4 - rainy day arcade gaming

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aChwZhliPg

Arin and Danny wander to town in the rain.

They find the arcade at the bar :) and play the game within a game! I remember when Barry and Ross played this part too :)

They power up, advance levels and have great fun. In-game time passes while they play and most of the video is spent playing the game!

They eventually stop and mingle some more. Still raining outside. Perfect day to play video games :) they reckon it's like an "art community" as there are many punk-y type people here. That's interesting to imagine.

"Grow!" Arin yells at his parsnips at the end of the video in the rain :) they finish this session out by going to bed. They adore this :)

So yeah this is Harvest Moon except with less rules it seems. Some stuff here you're not allowed to do in Harvest Moon. Or at least the one I played.

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