Tuesday 7 November 2017

contra with special guests rob and patricia schneider - fighting extraterrestrials and embracing existentials

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74pZCj2812U

Arin and Danny have Rob and Patricia Schneider along to play some more! This time it's Contra! Konami Code ready to go!

They mention how old they all were when this game came out. I was very young as well lol. Patricia played it when she was younger. They explain the significance of this game to Rob.

They talk about Arin and Danny's recent European tour. Really interesting :)

I love how they see fanart and stuff as flattery and how cool they are with it instead of being litigious about it :)

They talk about their tour experience in Ireland :) Danny says it was like Philadelphia. Not sure what's there but he loved it here anyway :)

They get stuck in a bad spawning point! It's pretty funny! They get through it at least :)

I'm very happy to hear that fellow Lovelies are very nice to live event doormen :)

They talk about Alien's influence and about the late John Hurt as well.

The topic of dealing with success and what to do next is pretty fascinating. Doing what you love is still important.

They get a game over but continue with another 30 lives on the hangar level.

Good Game is another thing they talk about with Rob and their experience in doing a tv style show. Rob compares it to making movies :)

Rob talks about Walt Disney and some of the amazing stuff he did that eventually turned into Disneyland. They pause the game while talking about Walt Disney stuff :)

Fresh can of worms time! Patricia asks Arin and Danny if they think we're all living in a game or a simulation! Nice topic and one of Arin's existential fears! While discussing this, smoke is edited in! Gameplay is still paused! It's okay, they had beaten the final boss anyway :) This leads to many examples of perceptions of reality and Arin's recent experiments with weed.

While they talk about all this stuff, the game is paused on the very first screen. The sky is all starry, which is a lovely scene for this kind of sit-down chat, you know, that kind of lie down in a field looking at the stars and stuff :)

Rob himself talks about this and his perspective, getting caught up in "the game" and accepting things for what they are and enjoying them. This is indeed the Real Rob! :)

He talks about him and Adam Sandler trying to make each other laugh and coming up with new ideas :)

"Theatre Ghouls", people who deliberately go see a bad production and get a kick out of it. Rob brings this up and they continue talking about cringe videos online and stuff :) that one with the woman hang gliding I'll have to look up. (I did and it is funny and good for repeat viewings!)

They talk about the comedy of falling down and how Rob fell down the stairs once and how Patricia fell into their open suitcase in the middle of the night :)

Earthquakes is another topic. A frequent thing in that part of the world :)

Rob talks about the nice fan feedback and yeah I really like him and Patricia as guests! This was a great almost feature length episode! It had game, it had chats... and yes Basil Fawlty is legendary :)

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