Wednesday 29 November 2017

super mario odyssey part 15 - after the starbomb album recording


Arin and Danny try a long distance cap jump. Danny makes Ryan shriek while getting up to do something.

Not great weather to be doing cap jumps... ah well. Capture less run sounds like a lot of work...

Danny tells the story as to why they're recording on a day they're not usually recording. Aw... they lost a couple of Leisure Suit Larry MCL episodes :(

They talk about a lot of stuff that happened with them recently like their recent recording of the Starbomb album and how Arin got heavy depression and Danny got really panicky afterwards. All from overwork. Wow... take care of yourselves guys!

They're fighting the big epic metal caterpillar boss thing in New Donk City but they're chatting like it's a podcast. They do sound exhausted. They chat about their time working intensely on the album for ages and how it was like "rock camp" or something :)

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