Tuesday 7 November 2017

super mario odyssey part 5 - how to be a gamer

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPrRDdRpPUs

Arin and Danny titter over a funny phrase :) and head into the inverted pyramid.

They discuss irrational behaviour and unnatural stuff in movies like someone not freaking out when a gun is pointed at them.

The level is cool with going upside down and having the rad gravity and everything :)

Then they face the Broodal Hariet and defeat her easily. She is a cutie alright :)

Looking forward to that next Rob Schneider episode :)

Then they enter the newly revealed hole in the desert and into the Underground Temple. Danny is still gobsmacked at the amazingness and they talk about Arin's favourite band.

They talk about what it feels like to be a real gamer because Danny doesn't feel he's on the same level as someone very obsessed. Arin breaks it down by saying did he try "gitting gud" :) but yeah, I think if you play then yeah you're a gamer. Simple as that. Don't have to be really steeped in the culture or anything.

Haven't tried that gamer fuel stuff.

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