Saturday 6 February 2016

Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival with SoloTravelBlog Part 1


Dustin of SoloTravelBlog joins Grumpcade today! WOO! Sounds like it's gonna be buckwild right? :) Here he is with Arin, Ross and Suzy.

Suzy plays as Reese, Arin plays as Digby, Ross plays as Cyrus and Dustin plays as the cool dawg K.K. Slider of course! (omg this is gonna be amazing. I love this guy)

Seriously it's so cool that he's reading out his messages on the spaces he lands on. He's a bit of a sensation :)

He lands on a happy space where he has a blog update that people liked and commented on. Art imitates life as Suzy says! :)

Next time they'll be doing the stalk market thing. This series is gonna be great! :D

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