Saturday 6 February 2016

Subway to HELL - by Brandon Turner


This cartoon is inspired by the time Danny and Arin talked about if Hell was a real place, the subway train there would be disorienting and hellish in itself. In the cartoon, they're on the train and all the staff are demons in railroad attire(well, except for that guy in the underpants). They get all muddled and don't make the experience any less abominable than being confused on a real life train would be.

I like the bit at the end where the "We're the Stephen Kings of Stupid" turns into a review of their book and there names A. Hanson and L.D. Avidan are on it like a fancy treatment of an author's name would be :)

I don't remember what episode this came from, but judging from the whappin' joke at the end, I assume it's from Dead Rising!

Great bold and clean character design and lip synching in this cartoon!

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