Saturday 20 February 2016

Doors Part 1 - Will Solve Logic Puzzles For Bacon!


Suzy has a cute new avatar on the thumbnail of this new playthrough. I've seen this style of art on Commander Holly's thumbnails too. It's pretty nice!

This game is one of those Stanley Parable walking sims, which often make for a lovely experience. I like the foggy monochrome hills and robin singing in the background! It's puzzle oriented, where you try to pick the right door based on the outcomes of the logic statements. I used to love these in puzzle books!

My goodness, she was lucky on the second set of doors. All she could think of was bacon instead of logic answers! She thought she was doing the first one a second time!

The third set door she chose was just based on a thing she personally disagreed with! Lucky here too!

"Well, you die eventually" is the reasoning she had for picking on the fourth set of doors. Lucky again!

On the fifth set, her luck ran out! She learned that a door can be incorrect & lead to bacon! Dun dun duuuun!

On the sixth set(nice cacti here), she seemed to be getting the hang of it. Good girl yourself Suzy! :)

"What's the point of having us walk up to the doors?" she asks. Atmosphere, my dear! This game could be presented text only after all! The seventh set is in a cool cave. She lucked out here again! She said the green one was wrong! It's not wrong, it just didn't lead to bacon!

I can't exactly tell if the eighth was a guess or not due to her frustrated outcry, but she picked the bacon-leading one anyway!

Some cool floating rocks on the ninth one and a weird unsettling computer desktop style prompt. She picks the bacon-leading door easily.

The tenth one has nice stepping stones on a lake. She doesn't take all the statements into consideration and dies twice! Impatient! She goes through eventually.

The eleventh one turns into a hallway and she finds herself in a room. So she was in a game within a game and it crashed. So no more logic puzzles? Aw! "I never got my bacon!" she says. Double Aw!

This was a fun episode :) I kept pausing on the puzzles to try and solve them myself!

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