Friday 12 February 2016

Best of Game Grumps - 2015!


That's right, best of the year in general! I was surprised at seeing this! Hopefully I can blog long enough to cover a "best of" for following years too :)

Wow, they did Super Mario 64 during this time last year?! It feels much longer ago somehow.

The sassy Nidorina scene was amazing :) just a smile a second! Sometimes two!

Can't help but join Barry and Ross in the laughter at the first Pokémon drawing with Suzy's name to it :)

The "Like what ya see boys?" with Amy Rose was amazing, as was the random "Armenian" quip from Big(ot) the Cat, that just came outta nowhere!

Ohhhh the "You're a FREAK!" line is here too! That was amazing! :)

The "I fired and I missed" bit was a laugh they needed! The game was kind of weighing them down and disorienting them for ages before that. It was cosy, don't get me wrong but... I guess it was cosy because we were all disoriented together.

Wow, Markiplier and Ross played Mario Kart? I do remember something like that alright but gosh... again it doesn't feel like something that happened in the past year.

That first episode of Sonic Adventure DX could not have been better! :)

Poor Jirard, being shown that Pizza Time video by ProJared and Ross!

Arin then has that stand up comedian like monologue about Subway! It's so true. True of any deli counter anyway. Ordering a sandwich at any deli counter or a coffee shop pretending to be a restaurant can be an absolute nightmare of stress. Anyway, by the time he gets to "MORE onion please!" we're already on the floor laughing :)

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