Saturday 6 February 2016

Undertale Genocide Part 16 Finale


Barry and Ross are back in this livestream archive of the finale! Brian and Vernon are here too!

Barry gets a little further and the screaming starts on the next attack with Ross going "BATTLETOADS! BATTLETOADS!"

The next turn, Barry shows us what happens when you take the opportunity to check the spare option. You get extra dialogue too.

Barry takes a sip of water and spills some on Vernon. "Vernon wet! Vernon wet!" Ross sings.

Eventually they make it to Sans' special attack. It's pretty interesting! It perfectly justifies a livestream where they can discuss a strategy and show their reactions on cam. Look at how excited Ross gets when they finally beat Sans!

Holly comes in with her own baked butterscotch cinnamon pie and congratulates them! They thank her and say she's the best. This is so nice :) she also brought spaghetti to which Ross cheers loudly "SPAGHETTI!"

Sans leaves with some heart-affecting words and they move on. But first, they have the food they earned!

The face-cam takes the main part of the screen then and it's just them hanging out and eating the food Holly made. Brian and Ross get close to the camera so spaghetti can be fed to Ross, like that time pudding was fed to him! Then I notice that he has that red scarf and "cool dude" shirt that Papyrus had! Very nice choice, Ross :) They even do a Lady and the Tramp thing with the spaghetti! Brian feeds Barry some pie. I'm afraid I don't know who the guy in the stocking cap is.

Then the stream finishes up and it's back to a normal episode style. They thank everyone for the support during the livestream before continuing. It's all just such a cool thing :)

They progress to Asgore and he gets killed almost immediately. Then a pleading Flowie appears and he gets killed brutally as well.

Then a surreal scene comes up with a creepy, smiling Chara. She gives them the choice to ERASE or DO NOT. They choose DO NOT and Chara goes all scary and kills them so hard, the game window resizes and closes. Yikes... I don't blame Barry for getting frightened at that.

They go back into the game and some weird black screen is there with ambient noises. Ross and Barry try to figure out what's going on.

They learn that this screen lasts for about 10 minutes, so they bring back the conversation generator! Woo!

It's fun to hang out with them like this accompanying this dark screen and ambient music. Barry asks the questions and Ross answers like the serial murderer Chara would I suppose! They even have an existential kind of moment and it's fun :)

Eventually, text dialogue returns and they make a few choices. Unfortunately, the choices put them back in the void and they have to do conversations again. Eventually Ross just answers with either "Danny Sexbang" or "Murder". They're losing their minds in the void! Then he moves on from Danny to Kevin and back.

They wait so long they close the game and go back in. Aargh! It's still kinda fun though :) with Ross saying Kevin to everything.

Dialogue eventually comes back and the aspect ratio too, bizarrely. They choose the other option and the game closes again. On starting it up, it has reset like they never played. Also, Flowey is the spelling of that character's name, not Flowie like I've been typing all this time!

So yeah, wow. That's it. All reset. Is there anything else to this game? Another type of run you can do or another ending?

Anyway it's the finale of the genocide run. That void was long, but fun!

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