Wednesday 24 February 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 70 - Spiny Bouncing


Danny Sexbang and Ninja Brian of Ninja Sex Party appear before the video to tell us about their new cover album and a video they just put out of "Take on Me". I gotta check this out! Also, I think Super Freak by Rick James would be a great one for them to cover!

Back to Arin and Danny as they continue "Bowser's Puzzle Dungeon" by Bowser.

That puzzle with the helmet is pretty nuts. Also, that Fire Bar spinny thing is like something out of Gradius 2!

That Spiny bouncing thing  looks pretty cruel :/ it's nice that there's fresh stuff to see at every turn though.

They talk about weird 80s music videos for a while.

They manage the final showdown and that's that! Now for that Take on Me video! :)

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