Saturday 27 February 2016

Super Troll Island - British Psychadelia


Crazy Grump eyes on the thumbnail! Before I watch this episode, I just want to say I know this game very well! I saw an ad for it in a game magazine back in the day, which showed rave review scores from various other game magazines. Back in those days, the most common complaint for a game was that it was "too easy" or "another bloody platformer". Magazines loved this one though. I played it myself and it was very arcadey and fast and colourful and psychedelic. Let's see what Arin and Danny think of it!

By the way, I got 5/10 in that cummingordrumming quiz. What a concept for a website!

As to be expected, they're freaking out at it! :)

There's something very British and Amiga-like about this game. However, the arcadey fast paced action makes it quite playable.

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