Sunday 20 March 2016

Barbie and her Sisters Puppy Rescue Part 1 - More Like Puppy KIDNAPPER


Has it ever been just Ross and Suzy on the show? It has on KittyKatGaming alright. Ross explains it all, how everyone's at the SXSW Gaming Expo besides them and how this choice of game came to be! It's a nice little story :)

So I gather this game is a horror story about a blonde haired puppy kidnapper? :)

Ross is having a bunch of fun with all the stuff you can't do in the game. Suzy talks about her nightmare of getting a Scooby-Doo tattoo, while Ross plays the dramatic honking from the Inception trailer, before ending with a sad trombone.

It's a fun episode! Sounds like it's gonna be a nice series :)

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