Thursday 10 March 2016

Go! Go! Nippon! KittyKatGaming Part 1 - mmm... Makoto...


Suzy's thumbnail avatar has the flushy face of excitement. It means she likes the game right? :) Forgot to mention yesterday's one, where she's winking and Barry just has his Grump face. The Grumps played this before, but here Suzy's having a go!

Ahh I like Makoto... :) the girl in pink. It's gonna be a nice time. First I watched Ross and Arin play, which was fun and... wow it was two years ago. That long ago? Wow... It's weird how surprised I am that a video by them was uploaded a year ago or two years ago and it either felt a long longer ago or a lot sooner. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

But anyway, now I get to hang out with Suzy while she plays, so it's nice too! She says that flights to Japan from California are really cheap right now. From Ireland it's a different story I'd say!

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