Saturday 12 March 2016

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 3 - Rockin' Deku Danny


Arin and Danny continue through the Deku Tree. Arin finds a thing where he was able to clip through a push block, which is where Box Man came from :)

That recent Mortal Kombat discovery is insane...  Danny talks about all the stuff that's been happening since this episode and the last. I guess it was over a month ago since! He talks about the NSP concert and how there were thousands upon thousands of people in attendance. That is something special! Also the stuff about the in-ear monitors sounds really cool.

After the Gohma boss, Danny does the Deku Tree voice and it's good fun, especially the joke about the word "sapped" as a tree joke :) I am absolutely intrigued as to what his story about "You" and "Ye" is. I am because we say "Ye" in Ireland! I hope he remembers to tell it in the next episode.

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