Sunday 13 March 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 87 - Theramusic


Arin and Danny continue "Beetles Are Friends" by Mike. It's pretty difficult as they have to deal with airships and cannonballs flying at them and everything.

Arin talks about selecting a new pair of headphones with some kind of Hi-Fi setting on them. They also talk about quality of life stuff and therapy for head chatter. Extremely interesting stuff. It is tough doing two things at the same time alright. Arin talks and plays games though and that can be really hard!

It took a few attempts but Arin beats it! He got the world record too! Nice one :)

They move on to "Spinning Is An Art" by Kevin. They don't like the sound of it... Sure enough, they have to bounce on Thwomps and Spinies and it's very hard. They cope by talking about music more. Not a bad way. I'd try to get more momentum going on those spinies and keep it up. Dunno if it would work or not!

And yes Danny, there is lots of great music out there. I mostly listen to game music but lots of new game music is great!

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