Wednesday 16 March 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 89 - Spinning Between Spikes & Godzilla


Arin and Danny continue enduring "Spinning Is An Art" by Kevin.

Funny Danny should mention Mark Wahlberg, I never knew he was a rapper!

They get through the hard part onto an even harder part with Chain Chomps and they have to spin jump on them. Yikes.

Actually it wasn't that hard but it was still challenging. They were in the zone though and were delighted to finish!

Danny talks a bit about Godzilla and Arin really wants to get into the fanbase. I do too actually :)

Actually I could see them doing "Godzilla Grumps" or something MST 3000 like and maybe even have someone like James Rolfe along too! It would be pretty sweet!

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