Saturday 26 March 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 92 - Keen Level Design


Arin and Danny move on to "VineropeChasm&CaveO'FishySecrets" by ThaTomHall. What a name!

Oooo that's a clever hidden bean stalk at the start.

KUNG POW reference! I have to point it out! It's the "What is your purpose?" line. Maybe I should make a label for Kung Pow references? Hmm... I think I will :)

Awesome Kevin edit too with the Danny Wins thing! So wow, ThaTomHall, was the level designer for Commander Keen? Neat!

A suggested level catches Danny's eye and he goes on to "Leap of Faith World 1 Level 2" by Terrence.

No leaps of faith, but he does turn into a sweet spring! Heh.... anyway he beats it and gets a Danny Double Wins edit from Kevin with two crowns this time!

He then randomly picks "Hayden" by joanthony. It's beaten even more quickly and he gets three crowns!

You know, It's nice to see them play easy levels for a change :) it doesn't have to be all pain!

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