Friday 11 March 2016

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 2 - Enter The Deku


Forgot to mention yesterday, but this is my first time using the Nintendo 64 label in this blog! Hope there'll be many more!

Arin and Danny do an eeny meeny miney mo thing for the tutorial at the Know It All Brothers house. It's funny how long Arin's choice goes on for! It made Danny fit to throw him out the window!

Danny makes this amazing observation on meeting Mido and wonders if he and Link are the same race. "It's interesting you say that Dan!" Arin says. Indeed it is! Arin meanwhile gives Mido a cranky nasally voice.

So Arin's brother Nate's birthday was the day before... Did they make this two months ago? Interesting!

Danny gives the Deku Scrub a mousy Brooklyn accent, which is the cutest freaking thing.

Arin appears in a live action thing, where he conjures up a poo toy on a desk and is all ninja like about it. Funny stuff :) That's a lovely Splatoon shirt he's wearing with the Squid Sisters on it :)

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