Sunday 27 March 2016

Family Party 30 Great Games Part 2 - Brian's Roast Kale Recipe


Ross and Brian continue the greatness. Then they do a cowboy barrel dodging game. The landscape is kinda nice but the game doesn't seem to be as enjoyable. The stepping mini-game is frustrating them a lot too!

Then Air Hockey's up. It's one of the few games I still like in arcades! This version is bewildering to all though. You score by hitting the puck into this rotating thing in the centre. Do you have to put it in to opponents' colours or your colour? I can't tell how scoring works in this game.

Next is a penalty kick game. Confusing again... Then its a panel jumping game. Ross says it's like the piano scene from The Simpsons. I was hoping Brian would one-up him and say it's from Big starring Tom Hanks. I think it's like Turtle Rock from Link's Awakening!

Ross asks Brian about healthy food recipes and Brian tells him about roast kale. This is around the 10-12 minute mark. I'll have to come back to this. Might be handy for myself too...

Ross also gets Brian talking about the universe and multiverses. Ross becomes so depressed at the notion of the universe ending while playing this game, that he gives up to play something else!

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