Saturday 31 October 2015

Shower With Your Dad Simulator 2015


I've heard about this weird Steam game online but now I get a chance to see Ross and Barry play it. Interesting choice for a Halloween episode!

Looks like an arcadey Atari 2600 game in spirit where you have to match the kid with its dad and his place changes constantly so you have to run around the screen a lot.

Barry makes lots of dad puns while Ross plays and they both come across lots of dad jokes in the game too.

Ah. As I continue watching it seems to be a collection of games. They're now playing one where you have to switch kids like light and dark in Ikaruga and catch the correct dad falling down from the sky.

Ross and Barry reckon it's the scariest game they've played yet.

At one point they find a bathtub and go into this outer space vector line vertical scrolling mini-game thingy where they have to catch falling dads in their tub. A joke is made about "racing towards the son" and it's not from the game. The jokes are contagious!

Then all of a sudden they go into another mini-game where they fly horizontally in a bathtub, collecting the corresponding dads and shooting the other ones. Ross and Barry call it "Flappy Dads". It looks like a cross between Flappy Bird and Ikaruga.

Ross finds it really tough but he pulls through with Barry's coaching. The ending's pretty silly!

So yeah that's the game. Very weird stuff. Halloween's not just about scary stuff, it's about the weird stuff too.

Dead Rising Part 6


The backwards message from the start sounds like it has Arin's Yoda voice. Might have to look up a collection of them later.

We join Arin and Danny again as they sing "baby back ribs". I only know the song from Austin Powers 2. Danny shares a funny story about going to a food eating place called Chili's with friends and them all having to go to the bathroom desperately.

Meanwhile Frank is going around the mall with the chainsaw. He meets a jerk called Kent and they head downstairs cutting through some zombies that glitch out, so their corpses look like they're floating above the stairs, which looks pretty darn silly!

They go to a kids clothes store and hilariously dress Frank in tiny clothes. They have Frank and Kent take pictures of each other taking pictures of each other.

Shortly afterwards there's a cut scene where they kill a hornet that automatically kills the zombies in the vicinity. Hmm... interesting.

After a while it turns nighttime and there's a cut scene where the zombies' eyes turn red. Before this cut scene they clear zombies out of an elevator but after the cut scene they have to do it again. D'oh!

After this they make their way to the roof and back to where Frank's fellow survivors are.

Cursed Mountain Part 1


No more Deadly Creatures... aww :( but hey it's the first post about Cursed Mountain! Another of Wii's hidden trinkets!

Man that title screen is horrifying with that monstrous face and its teeth! Danny and Arin lighten the mood though by making jokes about dentistry.

The game begins with mountain climbers and narration, including someone talking out of the Wii Remote and a good chunk of cutscenes. They make fun of the muffled dialogue and there's so many cutscenes they call it Cutscene Quest!

Now for more gameplay. They walk around a deserted looking town while jokingly narrating the main character when he does every mundane thing like opening a door in the same muffled voice from the earlier cutscenes.

Even though they joke around, Arin mentions how the town seems genuinely creepy the way it's so empty.

After a while they consult a walkthrough which Danny shows how funny it is in itself they way it's all flamboyant and poetic and then abrupt with "go to the title screen". Nice choice of walkthrough :)

They end the episode on kind of a cliffhanger when a big cloud of dust swishes past and covers the screen for a moment.

I never played this game but it does have the Silent Hill staple of having loads of doors that are completely unusable. I know Arin heard it sucks but it might be some bit good. We'll have loads of jokey muffled narration I'd say :)

Costume Quest Part 10


First post about Costume Quest! Suzy plays this with OneyNG aka Chris and Spazkid aka Cory. It's been a small while since they published an episode of this but I'm glad it's back. So far it's been the cosiest campfire gathering of a playthrough where they tell stories spooky and non-spooky and it's lovely to just hang out with them like this. Nice return!

As for the game it's a cute and clever take on the standard RPG with its Halloween theme.

Chris tells the first story where he had a dream about some weird creepy crab dude and tombstones.

Suzy shares her recurring dream about being chased by an evil guy and stabbing him. She's been told that it's a sign of low confidence or feeling like she hasn't a lot going for her but she doesn't have that dream any more.

Cory talks about having sleep paralysis brought about by his Xbox of all things. Bizarre!

Suzy shares another experience of her trip to Ireland, the superstitions in every place and the chicken rolls from Super Valu! Wow! Going to Super Valu is nice and all but I wouldn't get a chicken roll since I don't eat chicken.

Friday 30 October 2015

Dead Rising Part 5


Back to Arin and Danny as they join Frank and Brad in-game. They wonder if the zombies stayed away from the humans fighting because they were scared to get involved. The idea is kinda funny alright.

They head into a hardware store that sells chainsaws and they have a party flailing that thing around when they get out among the zombies again. They stop at a fast food place before joining Brad, humorously imitating the zombies ordering fries or something.

They come across an old man who wants to stay in his safe haven. After exploring for a bit they run out of chainsaw...juice I guess and have to use the sledgehammer. Wow it looks brutal when they use it on the zombies. Yikes.

Watching Frank chug orange juice reminds me of Link chugging milk from Ocarina of Time.

Soon they get back to the hardware store to get another chainsaw and make their way back to the food court.

Extreme Exorcism


Back with Barry and Ross and another one-off. Looks like one of those single screen competitive games. Barry plays as the blue Ace Blade and Ross plays as the purple Mikoto.

They make loads of jokes about famous Tony's going to the Tony awards.

One thing I like about this game is that the screen doesn't shake. There are quite a lot of these type of games on Steam it seems and the screen always shakes when something dramatic happens. I'm glad it doesn't happen here.

There's a bonus stage after a while about bouncing on beds and they laugh their heads off playing it.

Barry talks about seeing Crimson Peak lately and mentions how Sesame Street is on Staten Island.

Next stage is the kitchen and another jokey story about another Tony, Tony Danza.

Silly episode but I like it :) I wonder if they're still recovering after playing SOMA?

Deadly Creatures Part 5


Haha! It wasn't the last episode! Deadly Creatures continues!

Arin and Danny continue on into an open area with a diggable centre. A cutscene then pops up where another scorpion crawls out before being gobbled up by a gila monster. Boss time!

Danny tells us Arin means business dealing with the gila monster because he's all leaned forward and really into this fight. What they have to do is dig the great big hole out and escape so they can escape the gila monster's jaws.

After this it's on to chapter 3 and partying with their favourite spider again! Woohoo! They come across a cutscene where a lizard is savaged by mites so they have to take care here. As they crawl along slopes adjusting to their point of view they note how it reminds them of F-Zero.

They discuss real life spiders like the black widow ones that live in their area. I would not like to have to deal with those. Yeesh. Later on they come across two big spiders to fight and after that they see a grasshopper. They get it right about it being doomed as it immediately gets eaten by a spider, but then that spider immediately gets eaten by a big snake. In the next scene, a scorpion comes out of a shoe and makes their skin crawl as Danny shares a story about finding one in his shoe. Yeesh again!

After this they come across a mobile phone with a cracked screen and play out a funny scene where they imagine someone trying to get through.

Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain Part 27


The video begins with a live action segment where Barry dressed as Kaz delivers a few punchy lines for the camera. Some of them are really good :)

We join Suzy and Arin back at the base where Arin shares a story where he tried a Kumquat at Konami. They then head out on the next mission.

They walk around in the night, chatting about various things until at one point Arin realises he picked the wrong mission by accident. Then they're all like whatevs and go do the mission anyway. Unfortunately they get killed on the way up a hill.

Thursday 29 October 2015

Dead Rising Part 4


We join Arin and Danny in the courtyard outside the mall with Frank still equipped with Mega Man helmet and katana.

They find a lawnmower and fumble with the controls trying to get a hang of it. All they manage to do is pick it up and the zombies quickly swamp them, making them even drop their katana. All they wanted was a lawnmower!

They eventually manage to get it going but it's nearly more effective to pick it up and hit the zombies with it. Afterwards, they head into the food court where there's a gun duel happening between Carlito and another guy named Brad. It's weird seeing someone wearing a Mega Man helmet cowering behind a corner or shooting with something that's not his arm cannon.

They're on Brad's side. They have to shoot Carlito a lot while regaining their health with orange juice. All the while he's throwing grenades down on them. They eventually defeat him but he escapes. What follows is a serious witty exchange between Frank and Brad, which looks hilarious because of the Mega Man helmet and they can't stop making jokes during it :)

Spooky Cats


It's time for Spooky Cats! This is a game Ross found when he typed "Spooky" into Steam's search engine. He's joined by Barry for this playthrough.

It looks like a very basic but pleasant enough platformer, though I don't know why everything is so dark apart from a spotlight on the main character.

As Ross plays he discovers many references to another famous platformer and some standard conventions like double jumps and wall jumps. They then joke about the supposed spin-off manga, like it's a mega mainstream multi-media franchise. More jokes about how maybe the other famous platformer ripped this off and how Shigeru Miyamoto admits... no it's too funny to mention here. Have a watch!

With joking aside though, I am inclined to believe this game could've actually been made by WayForward. (was it? Must look it up later(I like WayForward games))

Some more kitty jokes ensue like "Don't get meowd at me". Barry comes out with a few groaners as they play on, collecting pennies.

Ross mentions KittyKatGaming and how it doesn't have a cat game yet. That's a really good point! This game would've been great for it!

After a while they complain about the microphones and not having time stamps which is their official Grump stationery for marking episode times. Soon they come to the end of the stage, everything lights up, there's a few words between the cat and a ghost cat and it's onto the next level where it gets dark again.

Ross may not think much of this game but I think it looks ok and playable enough. I'd definitely pick this over SOMA to play anyway!

Deadly Creatures Part 4


Arin and Danny talk about the #Beefy Twitter hashtag for the Beefy commercials they did and laugh about how the same tag was used for trending naked pictures of bearish men. Very funny coincidence!

They continue with their scorpion pal finding all of these human bones and when they find a big colourful spider they have an amusing discussion about mnemonics that don't make sense. Some instructions come up onscreen for a finishing move and when they perform it, the scorpion does this hilarious wrestling finishing move that keeps everyone smiling.

Danny comments on how he's watching Arin do the scorpion finishing moves with the Wii Remote and the ecstatically happy expression on his face. They were only going to do one episode of this game but here we are, 4 episodes in and having a blast! Arin discovers the fighting move list the scorpion has and gasps in wonder at every page.

They then come across some weird wriggly pulsey things and even a lizard caught in a spider web. Then Arin gets a chance to try out his newly learned moves on more of the defensive bugs that gave him grief earlier, laughing maniacally. Danny jokingly whimpers " I don't think I like this scorpion side of you!".

They're both having a really great time at this game. Danny says this could be the last episode(I suppose because it's the limited holiday Ghoul Grumps) but Arin sounds too happy with the game to stop. I don't think this'll be the last we see of Deadly Creatures! (please don't let it be the last!) The episode ends when they beat up another scorpion and learn how to dig through cracked holes.

Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain Part 26


Back to Suzy and Arin where they find the prisoner they have to rescue. No live action sketch this time...

They ponder about what it would be like if Konami still made games and if they made a Metal Gear with The Boss that took place in World War II. It would be pretty darn cool.

They get spotted and dash out of the base to their horse. Suzy talks about how painful it can be to ride horses for too long at a time and how she used to do it when she was younger with a horse she had which was cutely named Tigger. They tranquilize the horse for a laugh and when it wakes back up they head back to the helicopter.

They look at all the amusing animal code names of the soldiers they recruited. They also head back to base to take a shower and Arin does some highly amusing voiceover for Ocelot about taking a dump. I love his Ocelot voice!

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Dead Rising Part 3


We join Arin and Danny as they have fun with Frank and Otis.

Up on the roof they find a guy named Jeff who wipes his brow with a golf club. They then find a soccer ball and have some fun with it. They find Natalie and get her to follow them back to Jeff, playing out a dramatic and hilarious reunion :)

Back to Otis for a chat in the store room. They pick up a shelf rack and head out, imitating a cynical Frank "Zombies huh? I don't know about that" while someone's face is getting eaten off. They run into the woman from the last episode and Frank delivers his iconic "I've covered wars you know" line.

They head out and start a mission to retrieve something and they joke about a mission where you have to find lip gloss. As the zombies reach out to grab, Danny has some lovely flashbacks of the game from when he used to watch his friend play and he'd go "wuuuaaah!" while curled up into a ball.

They lose Natalie to the zombies while deciding what to have in the café. There's also Frank's watch that says "Mega Man" on it, which is awesome!

They lose Jeff too but gain a katana and have great fun chopping through the zombies on their way to the cinema. Ratman and Mega Man 2 are showing haha! They even get a Mega Buster from the merchandise store! You can do loads in this game!

They pick up a Mega Man helmet too and go into the screens where they find weird creepy mannequins. A message from Otis and away they go to help Brad. Guess it's part of the mission.

Oh well. At least you can have fun without doing missions :)

SOMA Part 3


A nice light start to the episode as Ross and Barry sing "Under the Sea" and swim around confused. So, Simon is a robot?

They swim around in the water until they come to a switch and some more exposition happens. They then come across a weird robot with a red light that tells them not to be greedy and knocks them out. (again, what's going on?!)

They wake and continue exploring confused, managing to avoid the red light robot this time. They find another robot with a white light stuck under a rock and free it, wondering what it'll do.

They come to a round metal door and the robot they rescued comes along and helps them open it. The robot reminds Ross of Weebo, the robot from Flubber but he doesn't remember what her name was.

They head in through the door towards a barnacle filled airlock where the water drains. It's back into dark and spooky corridors now, complete with a torch.

Just as Barry says "Oh I have a flashlight", Simon in the game says "Where did I get a flashlight?" and Barry goes "Good question!". "Good Question, Robot Simon!" adds Ross and some more flashback exposition happens.

They come across a weird pulsey robot thing and when they poke it, it sucks their hand in like they were plugging into something. Strangeness....

Ross actually had this long held notion that if he was dying or sick he'd upload himself into a robot in order to be an "immortal animator", but now as he plays this game he's a little scared of the idea and laughs a little nervously.

Soon after some more audio message exposition, they explore the scary dark cylindrical tunnel. Ross reckons it's the Nickelodeon Slime Factory.

They come across a disturbing sight of a half-woman, half-robot on some kind of life support and asking for help. They unplug her from the machine and head back. Ross wonders if they really had to do that and Barry says yeah but... I have no idea. Not sure of anything in this game!

They go into some kind of vehicle which travels along the tunnel before it crashes. They try coming up with various theories as to what is happening in the game at all. I can't really offer anything myself so I'm open to discussion about this!

After more tunnel exploring they come across another of those pulsating socket things which they now call "butt-holes" and stick their robot hand in it. The door just opens ajar and water leaks out. While backtracking they find a door marked "Exit" which leads back out into the ocean.

They wade away through the water, keeping an eye out for more red-eyed robots like the one that knocked them out earlier.

They find a place marked "Lamda" and head in to its airlock.

The fear really starts now as they come across a weird robot thing with white disco ball lights coming out of its head. "Don't look at it!" warns Catherine as they try to flee. Ross reckons it looks like an enderman from Minecraft!

They find Catherine... or at least what's left of her, but she's fully self-aware about being a machine. What follows is a weird conversation where she asks Simon to take a chip she ejects for him. Pretty darn unsettling...

They then insert her chip into the omnitool and continue talking to her on it where she explains the most bizarre stuff. She then gives Simon another task to which he replies "Sure Cath", like he's actually getting used to this crazy scenario. At least someone's here to make him feel in any way at ease!

Ross reckons this would make for a really good Dr. Who episode!

They find another butt-hole and plug into it. Dunno what happens in the game but it's a bit of comic relief for us watching!

They reach some bunk beds in another room and then decide to call it a day. The end slate of the episode is the two of them sighing with relief!

They're pretty scared! I find the game endlessly mysterious and weird but also dark and sad. I think if I were to play this game I'd like to share the experience with someone like the way Ross and Barry have each other here.

Deadly Creatures Part 3


Back to Danny and Arin as they fight a big scorpion! Their web shot comes in handy here. The scorpion eventually escapes and it's on into chapter 2 of the game.

Chapter 2 where they now play AS the scorpion! They have fun with its defensive move where it covers its face with its pincers. "Nooooo I'm shyyyy!" they laugh.

Danny wonders if you change characters and move up in the food chain of dangerous creatures until you become man. Interesting theory!

At one point they come to a standoff with a very defensive bug and then a smaller bug comes in with a "hey what's goin on?" before getting squished between them. Poor Happy Charlie!

They continue trying to find a way to get around the defensive bug and lose. They get back to it and show it who's boss. They have a funny conversation about West African apes evolving and the East African apes being jealous. "Dude! You got tools?!"

Before the episode ends they come across the skeleton of a hand and into a fight with two more spiders. Mysterious!

Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain Part 25


Today begins with a live action sketch with Barry dressed as Kaz and Arin as his bionic arm. Hilarity ensues!

Back at the fortress with Arin and Suzy on their rescue mission and more talk about Troy Baker and Suzy's appreciation for Snake's ponytail.

They capture some more guys by clipping them with balloons which looks hilarious to me. I guess it's a better way to catch them than trying to drag them all the way across the map one by one.

They get taken down in a super uncool way by a guy with a shotgun and try again, interrogating a guy to get some information. Unfortunately they get taken down again by guys who spot them from their truck. They have a string of bad luck here with regards to getting spotted!

Eventually they manage to get indoors and look for prisoners.

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Dead Rising Part 2


We join Arin and Danny on the rooftop with Frank and Carlito. They head inside to the security room and watch some footage of a woman dragged from her car to be eaten by zombies. "Is that the new Ford?" Danny jokes.

They meet some people and some story happens. There's this crazy old dog loving lady who opens the door to zombies and Arin reckons is the devil or something. In the midst of zombies they find stuff to hit them with like an HD TV "You'll need that to see the text in the game!" they joke.

Plenty more jokes happen including one when a woman asks Frank "Nice camera. You a photographer?" to which Danny answers "Nice butt. You a... butt model or somethin'?"

This'll be a fun playthrough as well :)

Also, playing games on a CRT nowadays can be painful with the small blurry text because they're all developed for HD screens now... :(

SOMA Part 2


Ross and Barry continue to solve more scary puzzles. When something falls and crashes, Ross hides behind a corner and peeks around, wishing he was at home drawing pictures. Barry urges him on.

Opening a new door they find themselves walking through an underwater tunnel and some dialogue comes up. There's also some drawings of fishes. There you go Ross!

Walking further the guys wonder what the thing that's running around is. Haven't a notion myself.

They find a room with a struggling robot and there's some ominous dialogue. They pick up a pair of headphones and make a joke about Xbox Live kids.

They also establish contact with someone named Catherine and have a laboured conversation with her due to the transmission noise. They head through the factory and find a walking robot thingy so they sneak around and head out and up some stairs.

They have this amazing conversation with a robot named Carl... the in-game dialogue is pretty cool here. What the heck does it all mean though?

Soon afterwards Ross flips the switch that hurts Carl on and off for fun when they can't figure out what to do. After a while they find the human Carl's corpse and some flashback exposition thingy happens.

They explore further, walking around confused before they figure out they have to use Carl's computer login to progress. They find another computer with archived phone conversations.

They eventually re-establish contact with Catherine, the woman from earlier on the phone but they don't get any more useful information. The room fills up with water and something weird happens with their guy's hands (Simon the protagonist) and they go out into the ocean or something.

It just gets weirder and weirder... :/ they don't talk much themselves here because it's all very bizarre. Yeesh... the idea of this weird out of body experience along with the robots are unsettling to think about. So many questions and mysteries to unravel. I think I need a fun episode after this...

Deadly Creatures Part 2


We join Arin and Danny as they finish off the snake enounter. "Next time Gadget!" they joke as their spider scuttles away.

They have hilarious encounters where they beat up bugs and claim cacti as theirs.

After a while they encounter big spiders and they unlock a web shot! This is the game that keeps on giving!

Arin wonders if it was Dennis Hopper that voiced Hopper in A Bug's Life. It wasn't unfortunately, as it would've been a heck of a connection!

Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain Part 24


First post about KittyKatGaming! First one about the live action sketches too! Barry is dressed as Kaz while singing the tune to "Turkey in the Straw" and Arin is... well... have a look!

We join Suzy and Arin as they go on a mission where Quiet is mentioned. They head up to this fortress to break in and talk about the super cool David Hayter.

While they crawl through the narrow spaces Arin also shares his embarrassing Troy Baker story where Arin gets him mixed up with someone else. Suzy also wants to see a clip of him doing the Ocelot meow. It would be a nice favourite for the KittyKatGaming channel!

Dead Rising Part 1


Danny has some fond memories of this game, watching his friend play it when it first came out. My memories of the game were from people saying how great it looked. I don't know what they'd say now.

It's a pretty dark humoured game so far, as we see in the photographing of people getting killed by zombies instead of actually helping them. Gotta get those perfect picture scores though! Yeesh!

The confrontation with the other helicopters is pretty funny, as is the following scene on the roof, conversing with the guy of unknown origin.

SOMA Part 1


Now for Scream Train!

Ross and Barry pair up for this episode and neither of them have the nerve for scary stuff so this makes for a fun time for us, the lovelies!

There's some nutty exposition about a guy with brain bleeding. Yikes.

One of my favourite bits from this episode is when Ross is freaking out about looking for the bottle in the apartment like a "Where's Wally" puzzle and stands up for the "Wally" part when Barry says "Waldo" because it's "Wally" in the rest of the world (including here!). Good on ya Ross!!

Another belly laugh comes from when they're racking their brains trying to get out of a room and Ross just casually tosses a fire extinguisher through the window.

The rest of the episode is about figuring out what's what, the creepy noises and the claustrophobia. Yep, it's from the developers of Amnesia alright.

Deadly Creatures Part 1


Let's begin with Ghoul Grumps!

I'm a huge Nintendo Wii fan and I've never played this game but from this episode I'm reminded of so many things that were amazing about the console. It doesn't take long for Arin and Danny to start howling with enjoyment. This game is hilarious, scary and cinematic which were among many of the characteristics that Nintendo's wonder machine embodied for many fans.

Anyway, enough about my favourite game console and how under-appreciated it is! Back to Arin, Danny and the game!

The spider in this game is the coolest and funniest darn thing. Almost everything it does is a sensation. When Arin makes it jump it's a party every time and I don't know if I'll ever get tired of that fisticuff brawling it does on its enemies.

Arin fights a big ol' snake boss thingy and gasps at the prospect of going up against the humans voiced by Billy Bob Thornton and Dennis Hopper. Makes you itch for the next episode!