Thursday 29 October 2015

Deadly Creatures Part 4


Arin and Danny talk about the #Beefy Twitter hashtag for the Beefy commercials they did and laugh about how the same tag was used for trending naked pictures of bearish men. Very funny coincidence!

They continue with their scorpion pal finding all of these human bones and when they find a big colourful spider they have an amusing discussion about mnemonics that don't make sense. Some instructions come up onscreen for a finishing move and when they perform it, the scorpion does this hilarious wrestling finishing move that keeps everyone smiling.

Danny comments on how he's watching Arin do the scorpion finishing moves with the Wii Remote and the ecstatically happy expression on his face. They were only going to do one episode of this game but here we are, 4 episodes in and having a blast! Arin discovers the fighting move list the scorpion has and gasps in wonder at every page.

They then come across some weird wriggly pulsey things and even a lizard caught in a spider web. Then Arin gets a chance to try out his newly learned moves on more of the defensive bugs that gave him grief earlier, laughing maniacally. Danny jokingly whimpers " I don't think I like this scorpion side of you!".

They're both having a really great time at this game. Danny says this could be the last episode(I suppose because it's the limited holiday Ghoul Grumps) but Arin sounds too happy with the game to stop. I don't think this'll be the last we see of Deadly Creatures! (please don't let it be the last!) The episode ends when they beat up another scorpion and learn how to dig through cracked holes.

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