Saturday 31 October 2015

Shower With Your Dad Simulator 2015


I've heard about this weird Steam game online but now I get a chance to see Ross and Barry play it. Interesting choice for a Halloween episode!

Looks like an arcadey Atari 2600 game in spirit where you have to match the kid with its dad and his place changes constantly so you have to run around the screen a lot.

Barry makes lots of dad puns while Ross plays and they both come across lots of dad jokes in the game too.

Ah. As I continue watching it seems to be a collection of games. They're now playing one where you have to switch kids like light and dark in Ikaruga and catch the correct dad falling down from the sky.

Ross and Barry reckon it's the scariest game they've played yet.

At one point they find a bathtub and go into this outer space vector line vertical scrolling mini-game thingy where they have to catch falling dads in their tub. A joke is made about "racing towards the son" and it's not from the game. The jokes are contagious!

Then all of a sudden they go into another mini-game where they fly horizontally in a bathtub, collecting the corresponding dads and shooting the other ones. Ross and Barry call it "Flappy Dads". It looks like a cross between Flappy Bird and Ikaruga.

Ross finds it really tough but he pulls through with Barry's coaching. The ending's pretty silly!

So yeah that's the game. Very weird stuff. Halloween's not just about scary stuff, it's about the weird stuff too.

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