Saturday 31 October 2015

Costume Quest Part 10


First post about Costume Quest! Suzy plays this with OneyNG aka Chris and Spazkid aka Cory. It's been a small while since they published an episode of this but I'm glad it's back. So far it's been the cosiest campfire gathering of a playthrough where they tell stories spooky and non-spooky and it's lovely to just hang out with them like this. Nice return!

As for the game it's a cute and clever take on the standard RPG with its Halloween theme.

Chris tells the first story where he had a dream about some weird creepy crab dude and tombstones.

Suzy shares her recurring dream about being chased by an evil guy and stabbing him. She's been told that it's a sign of low confidence or feeling like she hasn't a lot going for her but she doesn't have that dream any more.

Cory talks about having sleep paralysis brought about by his Xbox of all things. Bizarre!

Suzy shares another experience of her trip to Ireland, the superstitions in every place and the chicken rolls from Super Valu! Wow! Going to Super Valu is nice and all but I wouldn't get a chicken roll since I don't eat chicken.

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