Thursday 29 October 2015

Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain Part 26


Back to Suzy and Arin where they find the prisoner they have to rescue. No live action sketch this time...

They ponder about what it would be like if Konami still made games and if they made a Metal Gear with The Boss that took place in World War II. It would be pretty darn cool.

They get spotted and dash out of the base to their horse. Suzy talks about how painful it can be to ride horses for too long at a time and how she used to do it when she was younger with a horse she had which was cutely named Tigger. They tranquilize the horse for a laugh and when it wakes back up they head back to the helicopter.

They look at all the amusing animal code names of the soldiers they recruited. They also head back to base to take a shower and Arin does some highly amusing voiceover for Ocelot about taking a dump. I love his Ocelot voice!

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