Saturday 31 October 2015

Cursed Mountain Part 1


No more Deadly Creatures... aww :( but hey it's the first post about Cursed Mountain! Another of Wii's hidden trinkets!

Man that title screen is horrifying with that monstrous face and its teeth! Danny and Arin lighten the mood though by making jokes about dentistry.

The game begins with mountain climbers and narration, including someone talking out of the Wii Remote and a good chunk of cutscenes. They make fun of the muffled dialogue and there's so many cutscenes they call it Cutscene Quest!

Now for more gameplay. They walk around a deserted looking town while jokingly narrating the main character when he does every mundane thing like opening a door in the same muffled voice from the earlier cutscenes.

Even though they joke around, Arin mentions how the town seems genuinely creepy the way it's so empty.

After a while they consult a walkthrough which Danny shows how funny it is in itself they way it's all flamboyant and poetic and then abrupt with "go to the title screen". Nice choice of walkthrough :)

They end the episode on kind of a cliffhanger when a big cloud of dust swishes past and covers the screen for a moment.

I never played this game but it does have the Silent Hill staple of having loads of doors that are completely unusable. I know Arin heard it sucks but it might be some bit good. We'll have loads of jokey muffled narration I'd say :)

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