Friday 30 October 2015

Deadly Creatures Part 5


Haha! It wasn't the last episode! Deadly Creatures continues!

Arin and Danny continue on into an open area with a diggable centre. A cutscene then pops up where another scorpion crawls out before being gobbled up by a gila monster. Boss time!

Danny tells us Arin means business dealing with the gila monster because he's all leaned forward and really into this fight. What they have to do is dig the great big hole out and escape so they can escape the gila monster's jaws.

After this it's on to chapter 3 and partying with their favourite spider again! Woohoo! They come across a cutscene where a lizard is savaged by mites so they have to take care here. As they crawl along slopes adjusting to their point of view they note how it reminds them of F-Zero.

They discuss real life spiders like the black widow ones that live in their area. I would not like to have to deal with those. Yeesh. Later on they come across two big spiders to fight and after that they see a grasshopper. They get it right about it being doomed as it immediately gets eaten by a spider, but then that spider immediately gets eaten by a big snake. In the next scene, a scorpion comes out of a shoe and makes their skin crawl as Danny shares a story about finding one in his shoe. Yeesh again!

After this they come across a mobile phone with a cracked screen and play out a funny scene where they imagine someone trying to get through.

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