Tuesday 27 October 2015

SOMA Part 2

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpbIfs54ojE

Ross and Barry continue to solve more scary puzzles. When something falls and crashes, Ross hides behind a corner and peeks around, wishing he was at home drawing pictures. Barry urges him on.

Opening a new door they find themselves walking through an underwater tunnel and some dialogue comes up. There's also some drawings of fishes. There you go Ross!

Walking further the guys wonder what the thing that's running around is. Haven't a notion myself.

They find a room with a struggling robot and there's some ominous dialogue. They pick up a pair of headphones and make a joke about Xbox Live kids.

They also establish contact with someone named Catherine and have a laboured conversation with her due to the transmission noise. They head through the factory and find a walking robot thingy so they sneak around and head out and up some stairs.

They have this amazing conversation with a robot named Carl... the in-game dialogue is pretty cool here. What the heck does it all mean though?

Soon afterwards Ross flips the switch that hurts Carl on and off for fun when they can't figure out what to do. After a while they find the human Carl's corpse and some flashback exposition thingy happens.

They explore further, walking around confused before they figure out they have to use Carl's computer login to progress. They find another computer with archived phone conversations.

They eventually re-establish contact with Catherine, the woman from earlier on the phone but they don't get any more useful information. The room fills up with water and something weird happens with their guy's hands (Simon the protagonist) and they go out into the ocean or something.

It just gets weirder and weirder... :/ they don't talk much themselves here because it's all very bizarre. Yeesh... the idea of this weird out of body experience along with the robots are unsettling to think about. So many questions and mysteries to unravel. I think I need a fun episode after this...

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