Wednesday 28 October 2015

Deadly Creatures Part 3


Back to Danny and Arin as they fight a big scorpion! Their web shot comes in handy here. The scorpion eventually escapes and it's on into chapter 2 of the game.

Chapter 2 where they now play AS the scorpion! They have fun with its defensive move where it covers its face with its pincers. "Nooooo I'm shyyyy!" they laugh.

Danny wonders if you change characters and move up in the food chain of dangerous creatures until you become man. Interesting theory!

At one point they come to a standoff with a very defensive bug and then a smaller bug comes in with a "hey what's goin on?" before getting squished between them. Poor Happy Charlie!

They continue trying to find a way to get around the defensive bug and lose. They get back to it and show it who's boss. They have a funny conversation about West African apes evolving and the East African apes being jealous. "Dude! You got tools?!"

Before the episode ends they come across the skeleton of a hand and into a fight with two more spiders. Mysterious!

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