Thursday 29 October 2015

Dead Rising Part 4


We join Arin and Danny in the courtyard outside the mall with Frank still equipped with Mega Man helmet and katana.

They find a lawnmower and fumble with the controls trying to get a hang of it. All they manage to do is pick it up and the zombies quickly swamp them, making them even drop their katana. All they wanted was a lawnmower!

They eventually manage to get it going but it's nearly more effective to pick it up and hit the zombies with it. Afterwards, they head into the food court where there's a gun duel happening between Carlito and another guy named Brad. It's weird seeing someone wearing a Mega Man helmet cowering behind a corner or shooting with something that's not his arm cannon.

They're on Brad's side. They have to shoot Carlito a lot while regaining their health with orange juice. All the while he's throwing grenades down on them. They eventually defeat him but he escapes. What follows is a serious witty exchange between Frank and Brad, which looks hilarious because of the Mega Man helmet and they can't stop making jokes during it :)

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