Thursday 29 October 2015

Spooky Cats


It's time for Spooky Cats! This is a game Ross found when he typed "Spooky" into Steam's search engine. He's joined by Barry for this playthrough.

It looks like a very basic but pleasant enough platformer, though I don't know why everything is so dark apart from a spotlight on the main character.

As Ross plays he discovers many references to another famous platformer and some standard conventions like double jumps and wall jumps. They then joke about the supposed spin-off manga, like it's a mega mainstream multi-media franchise. More jokes about how maybe the other famous platformer ripped this off and how Shigeru Miyamoto admits... no it's too funny to mention here. Have a watch!

With joking aside though, I am inclined to believe this game could've actually been made by WayForward. (was it? Must look it up later(I like WayForward games))

Some more kitty jokes ensue like "Don't get meowd at me". Barry comes out with a few groaners as they play on, collecting pennies.

Ross mentions KittyKatGaming and how it doesn't have a cat game yet. That's a really good point! This game would've been great for it!

After a while they complain about the microphones and not having time stamps which is their official Grump stationery for marking episode times. Soon they come to the end of the stage, everything lights up, there's a few words between the cat and a ghost cat and it's onto the next level where it gets dark again.

Ross may not think much of this game but I think it looks ok and playable enough. I'd definitely pick this over SOMA to play anyway!

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