Wednesday 28 October 2015

Dead Rising Part 3


We join Arin and Danny as they have fun with Frank and Otis.

Up on the roof they find a guy named Jeff who wipes his brow with a golf club. They then find a soccer ball and have some fun with it. They find Natalie and get her to follow them back to Jeff, playing out a dramatic and hilarious reunion :)

Back to Otis for a chat in the store room. They pick up a shelf rack and head out, imitating a cynical Frank "Zombies huh? I don't know about that" while someone's face is getting eaten off. They run into the woman from the last episode and Frank delivers his iconic "I've covered wars you know" line.

They head out and start a mission to retrieve something and they joke about a mission where you have to find lip gloss. As the zombies reach out to grab, Danny has some lovely flashbacks of the game from when he used to watch his friend play and he'd go "wuuuaaah!" while curled up into a ball.

They lose Natalie to the zombies while deciding what to have in the café. There's also Frank's watch that says "Mega Man" on it, which is awesome!

They lose Jeff too but gain a katana and have great fun chopping through the zombies on their way to the cinema. Ratman and Mega Man 2 are showing haha! They even get a Mega Buster from the merchandise store! You can do loads in this game!

They pick up a Mega Man helmet too and go into the screens where they find weird creepy mannequins. A message from Otis and away they go to help Brad. Guess it's part of the mission.

Oh well. At least you can have fun without doing missions :)

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