Friday 30 October 2015

Extreme Exorcism


Back with Barry and Ross and another one-off. Looks like one of those single screen competitive games. Barry plays as the blue Ace Blade and Ross plays as the purple Mikoto.

They make loads of jokes about famous Tony's going to the Tony awards.

One thing I like about this game is that the screen doesn't shake. There are quite a lot of these type of games on Steam it seems and the screen always shakes when something dramatic happens. I'm glad it doesn't happen here.

There's a bonus stage after a while about bouncing on beds and they laugh their heads off playing it.

Barry talks about seeing Crimson Peak lately and mentions how Sesame Street is on Staten Island.

Next stage is the kitchen and another jokey story about another Tony, Tony Danza.

Silly episode but I like it :) I wonder if they're still recovering after playing SOMA?

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