Thursday 14 January 2016

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 107


Arin and Danny talk about The Breeders. Danny laments about how he was too young to go to Nirvana concerts until it was exactly too late. That really sucks :(

They talk more about listening to music. It's pretty interesting :) At the moment I'm listening to a lot of Mario & Luigi RPG music over and over. Love it :)

They come across this really creepy scene where all these beings are kneeling and worshipping something. Nothing can be gained from killing them but they do it anyway.

What are these things worshipping? It's this gross pulsating blob up ahead. A lanky dude crawls out of it and starts attacking while screaming.

They manage to fight it nicely for a while but die just as it transforms. Lots to look forward to when they take it on again!

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