Tuesday 26 January 2016

Shovel Knight Co-Op Part 3

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aISyOMKCI6s

Danny and Arin head to Pridemoor Keep, lair of King Knight.

They express joy in seeing the little ratcopter thingies and Danny unlocks the fishing rod for himself. Arin scolds him jokingly for cracking the check points :)

It's cool how they can distract the guy with the sheild with one of them and the other can attack his unguarded side. Imagine if Zelda 2 had co-op? Sounds cool :)

The next sequence where they argue over who gets to stand in the Shovel Knight shaped hole is hilarious! Well worth watching! Then one of them loses their bags and the other has to collect but he loses his too! Non stop laughs :)

They argue playfully like two brothers playing a game and even yell "MOM!". So true to the way it was back then!

At one point, Arin sings instructions to Danny matching the theme of the stage. It's pretty funny!

Later, Arin says he never really watched Futurama, which shocks Danny. I've never really watched it either. Not even 2 seasons worth!

Later again, it's funny when they argue over opening the book platforms! At the end of the episode, they reach King Knight. Very fun episode and playthrough so far!

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