Thursday 21 January 2016

Undertale Genocide Part 11


Barry and Ross go in to Catty and Bratty's place. They're not here, so they can take all their stuff for nothing. Unlimited junk food too! Wow! The girls left a message for them to not take their stuff. Whoops! It's a long message and quite funny. They call them a total loser at the end, which is awful sad!

The area ahead in general is deserted because of Alphys' evacuation. All except Burgerpants! He's still here and shaking like a leaf. He calls them little weirdo instead of little buddy.

Ross talks about a tip he saw about how to survive a mass murdering. Matches the mood of the game right about now. It's all so dark and sad!

They press on and come across some mercenary enemies out to get them it seems. Eventually, they reach the part before the area boss, but they have 27 enemies left to kill. This'll happen onscreen in the next episode, which they'll treat like a podcast between all the grinding and stuff! Might be nice and chilled out, looking forward to it :)

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