Thursday 28 January 2016

Shovel Knight Co-Op Part 5


Danny and Arin continue the Lich Yard level. They reach the guy in the chest who talks like a clickbait link and Arin buys the Phase Locket from him. Danny already has this though, plus a bunch of other cool stuff! Poor Arin's exasperated by this!

So when you've the Amiibo, stuff just unlocks as you play away and gain experience I suppose.

After navigating more dark areas, they eventually make it to Specter Knight. Arin gives him a li'l goblin kind of voice and shake his cheeks out (like Barry did in Undertale for Undyne!) for the wiggly text!

It's an intense battle, but they still talk about the happy looking face that the wall in the background kind of makes with its one eye.

Arin beats him and Danny levels up loads, even though he died during the battle. He gets even more rare stuff. That's the power of Amiibo I suppose!

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