Monday 18 January 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 45


Danny and Arin play the next level, "They're Hungry" by Ben.

It's a short scrolling one where they're being chased by winged Chain Chomps. They have the messages turned on, so there's all sorts of lovely drawings of them including Arin dressed as Tsundere Sonic.

Next is "The Cage: Champion Edition" by Dustin.

This challenging one has you in a moving box with Chain Chomps tied to every post that makes up the box. Clever idea! Very scary and aggravating for Danny and very funny for Arin and us! The springs and other obstacles don't help much either! The banter between them is unbelievable here! "I could do this" Arin says. "That's so COOL of you to say" Danny replies. Unmissable! :)

Arin eventually gives it a shot and shares in the aggravation. They manage to reach the checkpoint and the next section is with another box, but this time it's fire cannons! "Oh, Fire. Great" Danny says in the Miiverse drawing here. Some great drawings here too, like the Danny The Champion (of the world?:) ) drawing and the one where all the Chomps are going "BORF" and Danny's like "How do I get out?" and Arin's nearby saying "You don't". Another cute one where Danny's hugging a Chomp. It's cute and lovely but I'd say that's the last thing Danny wants right now!

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