Thursday 28 January 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 55


You know, since Danny mentioned it in Part 50, I can't stop thinking about the "Prank My Dad" comedy thing from YouTube. That kid character's really funny with his giant glasses, goofy dance and enthusiasm for dad pranking. It is very funny when you remember it during the day!

Arin leaves a comment "I'm also Ben" on the "Stomp the Thwomp!" level by Brian. So many Bens, he might as well join in!

They take on the next level, "Blasted Furnace" by Tim.

Wow, more excellent doodles here! Love that Danny in a Kuribo shoe one. That "Dude, not even one checkpoint?" message doesn't sound good... That drawing of Barry, Ross, Danny and Arin looking up is really neat too :)

Poor Danny gets blindingly aggravated. That delicate "no!" when he pauses is so painful and so funny. Aw! He's still seething, even when he gives the controls to Arin. They're eventually able to make themselves laugh and smile again by Danny's story about his friend imagining the Scatman song being played while falling down stairs.

At the end Arin gets a brainwave and learns that you have to go back with the Kuribo shoe! he also corrects himself at the end slate that he mixed up the UK flag with the Australian one. Yeah Danny, I'm sure Ross would love that one!

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