Sunday 31 January 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 58


Arin and Danny are in the middle of playing "Legend of Zelda Maker Remastered" by Mikey. Looks like they gave up the last one since and have been playing other ones.

They talk about something funny that happened in their office involving Jack running down the stairs with a rubbish bag and leaving a gross wet trail after him. Not a good time I'd say!

When they finish this level though, they go back to "Blasted Furnace" by Tim. Danny's wondering what a certain song is and Arin says that Siri can be used to find out.

Also, possibly the greatest joke in Grump history is when Danny mixes up the words Boolean and bouillon. I love this joke so much :)

Arin then teaches Danny how to do a Google search using minus to leave out results with that word. Well, it is a good skill to have.

Arin suffers more with this level but gets even further than before. It gets even more merciless and evil but it looks like he is getting some kind of a grip on it.

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