Thursday 21 January 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 48


Arin and Danny continue with more painful Mario Maker playing. Arin makes random conversation to numb the pain, like the way you would at a party. So true and funny that it makes them laugh for a while!

Then they talk about being awkward at parties and social situations. It's pretty interesting and bittersweet and fun... and all very true to life. The coat example they bring up always strikes a laugh!

Oh yes, sorry. They're still playing "Revenge of the Polar Express" by sad, which is hard as heck.

They talk about Michael from belatedmedia on YouTube and his Star Wars critiques. I had a look and they have over a million views compared to his other videos! Wow! Anyway, I haven't seen much of his stuff but I thought he was great in the Table Flip episode and the Final Hallway XIII video that JonTron did. "The game's playing itself, Jon...", man that was great and so rewatchable :)

Danny talks about the "Irish Goodbye" and, funnily enough, I never heard of it before!

It's an interesting conversation and I always enjoy this kind of thing, especially when they can bring it back to coats and laugh again!

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