Thursday 28 January 2016

Feel the Magic with Egoraptor Part 2


Arin and Suzy take on the bull boss. There's loads of oncoming charging bulls to tap, about 100!

Afterwards, there'e the clean the girl mini-game. I love these ones! Not least because of the music. The track is called "Maniac" and it goes "chu chu chu chu!" and "Waahhhhhhhhh.... ahhhhhhhh" and then this sitar music comes in and... it is the most deliriously happy and sensual music ever! It is also quite similar to the menu theme from NES Remix... That one has a similar tune but doesn't have the "waaaahhhhhhh" or the "chu chu" or the happy deliriousness.

Arin goes "YES!" because TwitterGaming followed him. Must be important!

They then share stories about antlions and being bitten by ants on the giant antlion level. It's pretty interesting. I've never seen an antlion before. Wouldn't like to go near ants either.

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