Tuesday 19 January 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 46

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fneUWIsMH-4

Danny and Arin continue "The Cage: Champion Edition" level by Dustin.

The conveyor belts look like an absolute killer here. Same with those one space holes that are unfriendly to SMB3's momentum. Lots of agony until they reach the Hammer Bro. There's another awesome drawing here with one going "Hey bro! Want some hammers bro??" and Arin looking back in panic.

They narrowly make it to the next section! Another great doodle here with Arin going "You've gotta be (something) my (something, I don't know what these are))" while Danny laughs behind his hand. This is another moving box with Fire Bars and Bowser this time! It's troublesome because Bowser can stomp the ground and make them shake in place. Arin has a coughing fit but manages to finish the level! Yeeha! Some more nice drawings here too.

Next level is "Revenge of the Polar Express" by sad. Funnily enough, the record holder for this level is someone named "good"! Loads of Grump doodles here about them being cool, wearing sunglasses and warm clothing and stuff :)

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