Friday 22 January 2016

Undertale Genocide Part 9.5


Ooo! Behind the scenes DVD extra-like thingy! This is from the recent Undertale Genocide playthrough on Steam Train where the brave and patient Barry makes many attempts at fighting Undyne the Undying. As for Ross, he takes note of the time and scampers off to eat his freshly delivered ramen. (I'm having some too as I type this, but it's cup noodles:) )

Poor Barry fights on, even though he's hungry too! He fights instead of doing commentary so he can concentrate more. All you can hear is the boss BGM and Barry muttering swears when he gets hit.

Brian makes an appearance too, complete with captioned dialogue! Only for real life stuff though, as we see in the onscreen explanation provided that's styled like Undertale's text. There's also a death counter for our convenience!

At least Barry got to take a break for dinner. While he's gone, we can hear a vacuum cleaner. We are literally flies on the wall of the Grump Space!

After a lot of vacuuming, Barry comes back and resumes his intense concentration on the boss battle.

While Barry looks for tips online, we hear what the music sounds like sped up. Is this your doing, Kevin? Thanks! There's also more vacuuming and Ross comes in to check. He stays.

He and Barry are quiet for the rest of the session while Barry dodges all these insane spear patterns from Undyne. Eventually, he beats her! This is where episode 10 begins!

Well done, Barry! I can see what you went through; the victory is well earned and the cheer has an even bigger effect!

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