Wednesday 20 January 2016

Undertale Genocide Part 10


The episode begins with a montage of Barry struggling against Undyne the Undying. He eventually beats her and he and Ross start cheering "We did it!".

Ross has now eaten his ramen. Barry was plugging away, trying to beat the boss while he was doing so. Now she's defeated! She leaves them with parting words and they move on. Sounds like things will be even more on the alert and difficult from now on.

They go into Hotland, which doesn't have music either. There are 40 battles to grind through in this area. They head into the lab and meet Mettaton. Ross gives him his loud Markiplier voice. He says a few things before running away. In the pacifist run, HE wouldn't stop chasing after THEM!

They continue and run into some enemies. Tsunderplane crashes and explodes when they defeat it.

They run into Royal Guard 01 and Royal Guard 02 who want to avenge Undyne. They don't get to avenge her though and are defeated in one hit!

They venture further and take on Muffet the spider boss. They beat her in one hit and a little spider comes along and leaves a flower on her dying spot. This game really doesn't let up trying to make you feel bad on the genocide run!

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