Tuesday 26 January 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 53

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TDNk3iWMiw

Arin and Danny continue "Stomp the Thwomp!" by Brian, which gets more unbelievable as they progress! They have to spin jump on the very same Thwomps they had to avoid letting fall on the P switches! Unbelievable levels of evilness!

They discuss techno music and the various subgenres. The comedian reference Danny made sounds just like the Strong Bad cartoon which had "The System Is Down" music.

It gets very very hard and they sing the theme to help them cope, imitating Christopher Walken and President Obama. Fun stuff!

I like they way Arin talks about the eyebrow thing the Thwomps do, comparing it to examples like The Rock or a Dreamworks animated movie poster. They sure do that eyebrow thing a lot on those posters! I generally like those movies though.

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