Monday 1 February 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 59


Wow this episode's title has a long acronym.

Arin and Danny fight on with "Blasted Furnace" by Tim.

The acronym stands for "Ways That Arin Has Died That He Has Never Died Before". Catchy huh :)

They make a Homestar Runner reference, specifically to "The System Is Down" song from a Strong Bad e-mail.

Arin screams out a couple of times from losing to the Monty Moles but fights on! This is their most popular series at the moment after all!

He has a few run ins with Goombas, of all things. That would make anyone scream. Patience of a saint he has.

At the end slate, he does another one of their coping mechanisms, which is to add funny lyrics to the BGM. It's not all painful!

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